Welcome to CleanOut

CleanOut your Inbox today!

Save Time

If you're overwhelmed by the amount of email you receive, CleanOut is the fastest way to check your email while making sure that you never miss an important message and stay on top of action items.

The Right Tool

CleanOut does just one thing: it allows you to check your email very quickly while staying organized and reminding you to follow up.

Supercharge Outlook

Take your familiar Outlook experience to the next level. Works with your existing Outlook email, calendar and tasks.

Stay Secure

With CleanOut your email stays local on your device unlike other solutions that process your email in some unknown location “in the cloud”.

No Time for Toys

CleanOut is for people who have serious work to do. It's industrial strength and ready to tackle your most complex email.

Have Fun

Turn the arduous task of checking your email into an enjoyable experience knowing that you're in control and will be done quickly!

Try CleanOut today. Its free!

Compare Versions


CleanOut for Xbox

CleanOut for Outlook
See important messages first
Smart email filing
Automated email follow up
Fast inbox CleanOut
Multiple incoming email folders
Piling using Outlook categories
Handsfree voice commands
Multiple email accounts
Multiple Outlook profiles
ChatGPT email summary
Email date range Past 7-days Past 7-days Unlimited
Languages English, German and Spanish English, German and Spanish English, German and Spanish
Email providers Microsoft 365, Outlook.com, Hotmail, MSN Microsoft 365, Outlook.com, Hotmail, MSN Microsoft 365, Exchange, Outlook.com,
Gmail, Google Workspace,
Outlook for Windows versions N/A N/A Outlook 2016 to 2021
Operating System Windows 10 and 11 Xbox One Windows 10 and 11
Chat Teams Teams
Filing folders Mailbox folders Mailbox folders Mailbox folders, PST files
and In-Place archive
Internet mode Online Online Online and Offline
Price Free Free USD$59.95 per
mailbox per year



It is a badge of honor for many executives to maintain an open-door policy and to manage their own emails but it is difficult to do both. Incorporating periodic use of CleanOut into your hectic schedule will drastically reduce the amount of time you spend processing email and free your mind during meetings and calls to focus on the topic at hand. Batching of email into dedicated blocks of time with CleanOut, will ensure you deal with the most important topics first and finish quickly.

It's incredible to consider that Outlook, given its popularity in terms of both number of users and minutes per day spent using it, doesn’t have a structured workflow like your other enterprise applications. With minimal installation effort, CleanOut is “low hanging fruit” that you can introduce to give a productivity boost to all your Microsoft 365 and Outlook users and put a dent in those constantly growing Exchange mailbox sizes.

Whether you are in management or an individual contributor, CleanOut will help you take control of your email so that you can:

  • Reduce the stress associated with keeping up with email and even make it fun
  • Reduce your dependence on email on your phone or tablet, outside of work
  • Save an hour per day! Turn that into an additional billable hour, an hour doing something much more strategic, an extra hour spent with the family or even an extra hour of sleep!
Try CleanOut today. Its free!